Rethinking Gender

An Illustrated Exploration

1st edition

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Last edited by Zora Elbe
February 14, 2025 | History

Rethinking Gender

An Illustrated Exploration

1st edition

A lively, informative, and engaging guide to gender by an author-illustrator who helps readers understand the multiplicity of answers to “What even is gender?”

Queer, cisgender, transgender, nonbinary, androgynous, maverique, intergender, genderfluid. Louie and their cat (a.k.a. “Cat”) take you on a journey through the world of gender—without claiming to have it all figured out or knowing the perfect definition for this widely complex subject. Gender is tricky to understand because it's a social construct intersecting with many other parts of our identity, including class, race, age, religion. For a long time, people thought of gender as binary: male/female, pirate/princess, sports/shopping. Now, we're starting to understand it's not that simple. That's what this book is about: figuring out what gender means, one human being at a time, and giving us new ways to let the world know who we are.

Boy, girl, either/or, neither/nor, everything in between: gender is a spectrum, and it's hard to know where you fit, especially when your position isn't necessarily fixed—and the spectrum keeps expanding. That's where Rethinking Gender can help: it gives you a toolbox for empathy, understanding, and self-exploration. Louie's journey includes a deep dive into the historical context of LGBTQIA+ rights activism and the evolution of gender discourse, politics, and laws—but it also explores these ideas through the diversity of expressions and experiences of people today.

In Rethinking Gender Louie offers a real-world take on what it means to be yourself, see yourself, and see someone else for who they are, too.

Conversations about gender have changed so much over the past years it can leave you wondering: What are people even talking about? Sometimes we don't know what to ask, how to answer, what words to use, what's helpful, and what's not. Rethinking Gender gives readers age 12 and up (and the parents, educators, activists, and other adults who participate in these conversations) a way to think about themselves and to talk about what sex and gender—in all their changing, often confusing forms—mean to them personally and to the world at large. The book is an engaging guide to what young people are going through when they navigate the ocean of possibilities that go by the name of “gender.”

Understanding what we don't know is always a good beginning, and Läuger provides historical context, including the history of gay rights activism, how gender discourse has evolved, and explanations of law and legal standings for trans people; cultural and social norms; and useful glossaries of up-to-date language to explore all the ways that gender might be experienced and expressed—from biology to emotions, subjectivity to style. Designed for thoughtful exploration, the book also includes worksheets for reviewing, taking notes, and making observations of your own.

Publish Date
The MIT Press

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Rethinking Gender
Rethinking Gender: An Illustrated Exploration
1 Nov 2022, The MIT Press
ebook in English - 1st edition
Cover of: Rethinking Gender
Rethinking Gender: An Illustrated Exploration
1 Nov 2022, The MIT Press
Paperback in English - 1st edition
Cover of: Gender-Kram
Gender-Kram: Illustrationen und Stimmen zu Geschlecht
30 May 2021, Unrast
Softcover in German - 2. Auflage
Cover of: Gender-Kram
Gender-Kram: Illustrationen und Stimmen zu Geschlecht
March 2020, Unrast
Softcover in German - 1. Auflage

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Book Details

Table of Contents

1. The basics
Page 7
2. Sex assigned at birth
Page 19
3. Gender as a social construct
Page 39
4. Gender identity
Page 65
5. Gender expression
Page 167
6. Coming out/ Inviting in
Page 199
7. Now what?
Page 213

Edition Notes

Published in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, UK
Translation Of
Gender-Kram: Illustrationen und Stimmen zu Geschlecht
Translated From

The Physical Object

224 pp., 226 color illus.
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Amazon ID (ASIN)

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Work Description

Das neue Buch von Louie Läuger zeigt, wie viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten es gibt, sowohl auf wissenschaftlicher als auch auf persönlicher Ebene auf die Frage zu antworten: »Was ist Geschlecht?«

Läuger hinterfragt sowohl die Relevanz vermeintlicher biologischer ›Geschlechtsmerkmale‹ als auch gesellschaftlich etablierte Geschlechternormen, klärt über den Unterschied zwischen einem biologistischen und einem sozialen Verständnis von Geschlecht auf und widmet sich grundlegenden Begrifflichkeiten wie Intersektionalität, Intergeschlechtlichkeit, Geschlechtsidentität und Geschlechtsausdruck.

In illustrierter Form leitet Louie Läuger selbst durch das Buch und regt – auch durch interaktive Elemente wie Notizzettel oder grafische Veranschaulichungen – nicht nur jüngere Leser*innen dazu an, sich mit diesem sensiblen, vielschichtigen Thema auf eine Art und Weise auseinanderzusetzen, die dazu beiträgt, sich besser in andere Personen hineinzuversetzen und so in einen fairen und emanzipierten Austausch rund um das Thema Geschlecht gehen zu können.

Die empowernden Kernbotschaften des Buches lauten: Geh achtsam und liebevoll mit der Thematik und dir selbst um! Und: Triff deine Entscheidungen selbstbestimmt!

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