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There's an old saying -- marry in haste and repent at leisure. Which was where Tracy Galland thought her sister was heading. But before long Tracy found herself under the spell of love and marriage.
She was there to stop a marriage...
Tracy made a wild dash for Umhlowi farm in South Africa to save her sister from an impetuous marriage. Instead she was distracted and delayed there by her prospective brother-in-law.
Ryan Demant provoked in Tracy a need to reassess her perception of love and passion. For she was to discover firsthand how easily one could be overwhelmed by a man who stirred the blood and roused the senses....
Instead of saving her sister as she'd planned, had Tracy joined heron a headlong rush into madness
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Large type books, Fiction, generalEdition | Availability |
Impetuous marriage
1989, Chivers Press, J. Curley, Brand: John Curley n Assoc, John Curley & Assoc
in English
0792700147 9780792700142
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