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I'am a french canadian, and I owne one album of "l'enfance, la vie et la prodigieuse carrière de Jean Béliveau) dated 1964
This album contains 100 photos of Jean Béliveau since his first anniversary to 1964. I must say that's the best and
amazing album of Jean. We learn about his life at home, when he married Élise, their children, his carreer in Quebec City and Montreal. With the album, a letter from Molson (Québec) Limitée in which Béliveau announce that he quits as vice-
president of Molson. I beleive that I own maybe the last album.
Michel Martel e-mail:
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L' enfance, la vie et la prodigieuse carrière de Jean Béliveau: ses exploits, ses amours, ses ambitieux projets d'avenir.
1964, Éditions des succès populaires
in French
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"Album souvenir."
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