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"Harmony in Heaven" (F&SF, February 1965)
"Oh, East is West and West is East—" (March 1965)
"The Certainty of Uncertainty" (April 1965)
"To Tell a Chemist" (May 1965)
"Future? Tense!" (June 1965)
"Exclamation Point!" (July 1965)
"Behind the Teacher's Back" (August 1965)
"Death in the Laboratory" (September 1965)
"The Land of Mu" (October 1965)
"Squ-u-u-ush!" (November 1965)
"Water, Water, Everywhere—" (December 1965)
"The Proton-Reckoner" (January 1966)
"Up and Down the Earth" (February 1966)
"The Rocks of Damocles" (March 1966)
"The Nobelmen of Science" (April 1966)
"Time and Tide" (May 1966)
"The Isles of Earth" (June 1966)
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Previews available in: English
ScienceEdition | Availability |
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From earth to heaven: seventeen essays on science.
1968, Dobson, Dennis Dobson
in English
0234770457 9780234770450
4 |
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"Essays ... reprinted from the Magazine of fantasy and science fiction."
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April 2, 2023 | Edited by Lisa | // |
April 2, 2023 | Edited by Lisa | // |
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