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Aimed at A-Level and beginning undergraduate students, The Language of Magazines:shows how linguistic techniques such as puns and presuppositions are used by magazines to capture our attentionexamines how image and text combine to produce meaningdiscusses how ideological messages are conveyedanalyses how the sexes are constructed through language looks at how magazines relate to culture explores a wide variety of magazines, including Cosmopolitan, Mens Health, Bliss, Diva, FHM, Sugar and Viz
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Previews available in: English
Discourse analysis, Language Arts, Literary Criticism, Mass media and language, Nonfiction, Periodicals, Médias et langage, Périodiques, SOCIAL SCIENCE, Media Studies, Textanalyse, Sprache, Zeitschrift, Zeitschriftenaufsatz, Stil, Tijdschriften, Journalistiek, Taalgebruik, Vormgeving, Spreadsheets, Verleiding, Journaux, Langage, Journaux anglais, Anglais (langue), Analyse du discours, Périodiques anglaisEdition | Availability |
The Language of Magazines
2004, Taylor & Francis Group Plc
Electronic resource
in English
0203179757 9780203179758
2 |
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 114-115) and index.
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