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Learn to write programs to solve ordinary and partial differential equations The Second Edition of this popular text provides an insightful introduction to the use of finite difference and finite element methods for the computational solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Readers gain a thorough understanding of the theory underlying themethods presented in the text. The author emphasizes the practical steps involved in implementing the methods, culminating in readers learning how to write programs using FORTRAN90 and MATLAB(r) to solve ordinary and partial differential equations. The book begins with a review of direct methods for the solution of linear systems, with an emphasis on the special features of the linear systems that arise when differential equations are solved. The following four chapters introduce and analyze the more commonly used finite difference methods for solving a variety of problems, including ordinary and partial differential equations and initial value and boundary value problems. The techniques presented in these chapters, with the aid of carefully developed exercises and numerical examples, can be easilymastered by readers. The final chapter of the text presents the basic theory underlying the finite element method. Following the guidance offered in this chapter, readers gain a solid understanding of the method and discover how to use it to solve many problems. A special feature of the Second Edition is Appendix A, which describes a finite element program, PDE2D, developed by the author. Readers discover how PDE2D can be used to solve difficult partial differential equation problems, including nonlinear time-dependent and steady-state systems, and linear eigenvalue systems in 1D intervals, general 2D regions, and a wide range of simple 3D regions. The software itself is available to instructors who adopt the text to share with their students.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
The numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations
2015, World Scientific
in English
- 3rd edition.
9814635081 9789814635080
Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
2014, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
in English
1322669015 9781322669014
Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
2014, Elsevier Science & Technology Books
in English
1483259145 9781483259147
Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
2014, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
in English
9814635103 9789814635103
The Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
2005, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Electronic resource
in English
0471742007 9780471742005
6 |
The numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations
2005, John Wiley
in English
- 2nd ed.
0471735809 9780471735809
Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
2005, Wiley & Sons Canada, Limited, John
in English
128027736X 9781280277368
The numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations
1988, Academic Press, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
in English
0126374759 9780126374759
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 327-329) and index.
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