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This is an introductory text in several complex variables, using methods of integral representations. It begins with elementary local results, discusses basic new concepts of the multi-dimensional theory such as pseudoconvexity and holomorphic convexity, and leads up to complete proofs of fundamental global results, both classical and new. The use of integral representation techniques makes it possible to treat the subject with a minimum of prerequisites, and it has the further advantage that it uses the multivariable forms of theorem with which the students are already acquainted. This book also provides a systematic introduction to integral representation methods and their applications, including a simplified proof of C. Fefferman's famous mapping theorem.
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Previews available in: English
Functions of several complex variables, Holomorphic functions, Integral representations, Représentations intégrales, Fonction holomorphe, Représentation intégrale, Holomorphe Funktion, Holomorphie, Problème Levi, Fonctions holomorphes, Fonction variable complexe, Fonctions de plusieurs variables complexes, Pseudo-convexité, Fonction à plusieurs variables, Mathematics, Global analysis (Mathematics), AnalysisEdition | Availability |
Holomorphic Functions and Integral Representations in Several Complex Variables
2013, Springer London, Limited
in English
1475719183 9781475719185
Holomorphic Functions and Integral Representations in Several Complex Variables
Dec 01, 2010, Springer New York
1441930787 9781441930781
Holomorphic functions and integral representations in several complex variables
1986, Springer-Verlag
in English
038796259X 9780387962597
Book Details
Edition Notes
Bibliography: p. [363]-373.
Includes index.
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September 28, 2024 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
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April 28, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Linked existing covers to the work. |
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