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The proportion of Arctic grayling > 270 millimeters fork length that emigrate from Caribou Creek after spawning to the Richardson Clearwater River, and are subsequently harvested the following year in the spring fishery in the Tanana River at Shaw Creek, was estimated for 1980 - 1988. On average, 67% of the population in the Richardson Clearwater River was comprised of Arctic grayling from Caribou Creek during the same year. On average, 48% of the pre-spawning aggregation of Arctic grayling in the Tanana River at Shaw Creek were from Caribou Creek one year previous. On average, 73% of post-spawning emigrants from Caribou Creek were from Caribou Creek one year previous. Although these results are not conclusive, they do indicate that a majority of Arctic grayling in the Richardson Clearwater River are from Caribou Creek. Similarly, a majority of Arctic grayling potentially harvested in the spring fishery at Shaw Creek could be from Caribou Creek, necessitating careful management of this fishery to prevent declines in abundance at the Richardson Clearwater River. Contributions of Arctic grayling from Caribou Creek back to the same creek one year later indicate that homing to this spawning area occurred. Future research should focus on quantification of contributions to the Richardson Clearwater River from streams other than Caribou Creek, and development of a management plan for Arctic grayling in this area of the Tanana River drainage that allows for sustainable harvest of Caribou Creek fish in the Shaw Creek and Richardson Clearwater River fisheries.
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Arctic grayling, Fish populations, StatisticsEdition | Availability |
Contributions of Arctic grayling from Caribou Creek to the Richardson Clearwater River and Shaw Creek, 1980 through 1988
1994, Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish
in English
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"Literature cited": p. 23-26.
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