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Roses, rhododendron / A. Adams --
The egg ; I want to know why / S. Anderson --
Rape fantasies / M. Atwood --
The story of my dovecot / I. Babel --
Sonny's blues / J. Baldwin --
The lesson / T.C. Bambara --
My mother's memoirs, my father's lie, and other true stories / R. Banks --
Lost in the funhouse / J. Barth --
A city of churches / D. Barthelme --
Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge / A. Bierce --
Like a bad dream / H. Böll --
The end of the duel / J.L. Borges --
Cathedral / R. Carver --
Paul's case / W. Cather --
The enormous radio ; The swimmer / J. Cheever --
The darling ; Gooseberies ; The lady with the dog / A. Chekhov --
The story of an hour / K. Chopin --
The celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County / S. Clemens (M. Twain) --
The secret sharer / J. Conrad --
The magic poker / R. Coover ;
The blue hotel ;
The open boat / S. Crane ;
The way up to heaven / R. Dahl --
The red-headed league / A.C. Doyle --
The doctor / A. Dubus --
King of the bingo game / R. Ellison --
Dry September ; A rose for Emily ; That evening sun / W. Faulkner --
Babylon revisited / F. Scott Fitzgerald --
Tuesday siesta / G.G. Márquez ;
The yellow wallpaper / C.P. Gilman --
The overcoat / N. Gogol --
The life of the imagination / N. Gordimer --
Two gentle people / G. Greene --
Argument and persuasion / D. Hall --
Tony Kytes, the arch-deceiver / T. Hardy --
The birthmark ; Young Goodman Brown / N. Hawthorne --
A Vermont tale / M. Helprin --
Hills like white elephants / E. Hemingway --
The lottery / S. Jackson --
The real thing ; The tree of knowledge / H. James --
A white heron / S.O. Jewett --
Araby ; The dead / J. Joyce --
A hunger artist / F. Kafka --
The man who would be king ; Mary Postgate / R. Kipling --
Not a good girl / P. Klass --
Haircut / R. Lardner --
The horse-dealer's daughter ; The rocking-horse winner / D.H. Lawrence --
The professor's houses / U.K. LeGuin --
One off the short list ; A sunrise on the veld / D. Lessing --
To build a fire / J. London --
A tree, a rock, a cloud / C. McCullers --
The magic barrel / B. Malamud --
A dill pickle ; Miss Brill / K. Mansfield --
The outstation / W. Somerset Maugham --
The necklace / G. de Maupassant --
Bartleby the scrivener / H. Melville --
Patriotism / Y. Mishima --
Boys and girls / A. Munro --
The passenger / V. Nabokov --
The going-away party ; Where are you going, where have you been? / J.C. Oates --
The creature / E. O'Brien --
Everything that rises must converge ; A good man is hard to find / Flannery O'Connor --
Guests of the nation ; My oedipus complex / Frank O'Connor --
Do you like it here? / J. O'Hara --
I stand here ironing / T. Olsen --
A conversation with my father / G. Paley --
War / L. Pirandello --
The cask of Amontillado; Fall of the House of Usher ; The purloined letter / E.A. Poe --
Flowering Judas ; The grave / K.A. Porter --
The valiant woman / J.F. Powers --
The diver / V.S. Pritchett --
The shot / A. Pushkin --
The conversion of the Jews / P. Roth --
I-80 Nebraska, M. 490-M. 205 / J. Sayles --
Gimpel the fool / I.B. Singer --
The chrysanthemums / J. Steinbeck --
The catbird seat / J. Thurber --
The death of Ivan Ilych / L. Tolstoy --
The tryst / I. Turgenev --
A & P ; The music school ; Made in heaven / J. Updike --
Roselily ; To hell with dying / A. Walker --
Blackberry winter ; The patented gate and the mean hamburger / R.P. Warren --
Petrified man ; A worn path / E. Welty --
The other two ; Roman fever / E. Wharton --
The use of force / W.C. Williams --
Smokers / T. Wolff --
The man who was almost a man / R. Wright --
Writers on writing: How to tell a story / S. Clemens (M. Twain) --
Stephen Crane's own story / S. Crane --
Biography of a story / S. Jackson --
On her own work / F. O'Connor --
The brief prose tale / E.A. Poe --
"Blackberry winter": a recollection / R.P. Warren --
Is Phoenix Jackson's grandson really dead? / E. Welty.
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short stories, English literature, Collections, English fiction, Fiction, freedom, selfhood, self-fulfillment, meaning of love, short story, banks, detective fiction, Encyclopædia Britannica, pawnbrokers, police inspectors, red hair, Mystery and detective stories, Children's fiction, tradition, change, death, allegory, nonlinear narrative, gentleman's agreements, recluses, Mentally ill women, African Americans, husband and wife, race relations, Satanism, Puritans, catechism, Devil, Boys, 20th century English fiction, British and irish fiction (fictional works by one author), christian fiction, Christmas, Christmas fiction, Christmas stories, Criticism and interpretation, Daily Express, Domestic fiction, family life, Family reunions, Stories (texts), The Lass of Aughrim, Three Graces, West Britons, Irish literature, Young men, Copyists, classic literature, Psychology, Securities industry, history and criticism, Crime, Detective and mystery stories, Horror stories, Juvenile fiction, Revenge, American Horror tales, burial vaults, catalepsy, dragons, gothic fiction, hermitages, heroic romances, horror, horror tales, hysteria, knights, maces, psychogenic death, tarns, monograms, History, Juvenile audience, civil war, hanging, American Civil War, Confederate States of America, UnionPeople
Peyton Farquhar, Eugene Foster, Mrs Foster, Louise Mallard, Brently Mallard, Josephine, Richards, Sherlock Holmes, John H. Watson, Jabez Wilson, Vincent Spaulding, Duncan Ross, Police Inspector Jones, Mr. Merryweather, John Clay, Archie, Emily Grierson, Homer Barron, Mr. Grierson, Tobe, Colonel Sartoris, Quentin Compson, Nancy, Caddy, Jason, Dilsey, Jesus, Mrs. Compson, Mr. Stovall, Jailer, Mr. Lovelady, Aylmer, Georgiana, Goodman Brown, Faith Brown, Goody Cloyse, Devil, Mangan's sister, Gabriel Conroy, Kate Morkan, Julia Morkan, Mary Jane Morkan, Lily, Gretta Conroy, Molly Ivors, Mr Browne, Freddy Malins, Mrs Malins, Bartell D'Arcy, Patrick Morkan, Michael Furey, Bartleby, Turkey, Nippers, Ginger Nut, John Jacob Astor, Cicero, Montresor, Fortunato, Luchresi, Lady Fortunato, Roderick Usher, Madeline Usher, Ethelred, C. Auguste Dupin, Minister D—, Prosper Jolyot de CrébillonPlaces
United States, Alabama, Owl Creek Bridge, New York, Paris, Mallard residence, London, Baker Street, Jefferson, Mississippi, Yoknapatawpha County, New England, Salem Village, Massachusetts, Araby, North Richmond Street, Araby bazaar, Ireland, Galway, Wall StreetTimes
19th century, 1890, Antebellum era, 1600s, Carnival, 1861-65Edition | Availability |
Short Fiction: Classic and Contemporary
January 1994, Prentice Hall College Div
in English
013146051X 9780131460515
Short Fiction: Classic and Contemporary
January 1994, Prentice Hall College Div
in English
- 3rd edition
013146051X 9780131460515
Short fiction: classic and contemporary
1989, Prentice Hall
in English
- 2nd ed.
013809229X 9780138092290
Short fiction: Classic and contemporary
1989, Prentice Hall
in English
- 2nd ed edition
013809229X 9780138092290
Short Fiction: Classic and Contemporary
1989, Prentice Hall
in English
- Second Edition (2)
013809229X 9780138092290
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January 20, 2024 | Edited by bitnapper | merge authors |
December 16, 2023 | Edited by Lisa | Edited without comment. |
May 27, 2023 | Edited by Lisa | Edited without comment. |
March 6, 2023 | Edited by AgentSapphire | merge authors |
December 10, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |