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"The discovery of the fascinating and richly documented story of Sister Benedetta Carlini, Abbess of the Convent of the Mother of God, by Judith C. Brown was an event of major historical importance. Not only is the story revealed in Immodest Acts that of the rise and fall of a powerful woman in a church community and a record of the life of a religious visionary, it is also the earliest documentation of lesbianism in modern Western history. Born of well-to-do parents, Benedetta Carlini entered the convent at the age of nine. At twenty-three, she began to have visions of both a religious and erotic nature. Benedetta was elected abbess due largely to these visions, but later aroused suspicions by claiming to have had supernatural contacts with Christ. During the course of an investigation, church authorities not only found that she had faked her visions and stigmata, but uncovered evidence of a lesbian affair with another nun, Bartolomeo. The story of the relationship between the two nuns and of Benedetta's fall from an abbess to an outcast is revealed in surprisingly candid archival documents and retold here with a fine sense of drama."
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Previews available in: Undetermined English
Attitudes, Biography, History, Lesbian nuns, Lesbianism, Lesbians, Renaissance, Sexual behavior, Women, Nuns, Sexuality, Case studies, Sexualité, Psychology, Histoire, Religion and Sex, Nonnen, Mystiek, Vie religieuse et monastique féminine, Document, Sexualité féminine, Lesbiennes, Congregazione della Madre di Dio, Couvent, Religieuses lesbiennes, Lesbianisme, Homosexualité féminine, Sexual Behavior, Female Homosexuality, Nuns, biography, Women, sexual behavior, Women, history, renaissance, 1450-1600, Renaissance, italy, New York Times reviewedPeople
Benedetta CarliniPlaces
ItalyEdition | Availability |
Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy
February 2001, Replica Books
in English
0735104328 9780735104327
Immodest Acts: Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy.
1987, Oxf.U.P.(N.Y.)
in Undetermined
0195042255 9780195042252
Immodest acts: the life of a lesbian nun in Renaissance Italy
1986, Oxford University Press
in English
0195036751 9780195036756
Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy (Studies in the History of Sexuality)
November 14, 1985, Oxford University Press, USA
in English
0195036751 9780195036756
Book Details
Edition Notes
Bibliography: p. 165-206.
Includes index.
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Scriblio MARC recordIthaca College Library MARC record
marc_openlibraries_sanfranciscopubliclibrary MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
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Better World Books record
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