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Marigold, una de las superguerreras modificadas genéticamente por el siniestro doctor Whitney, forma parte de un grupo de rescate que debe encontrar a un senador norteamericano cuyo avión desapareció en el Congo. Pero la difícil misión fracasa y Mari es capturada por las fuerzas rebeldes. El escape es la única posibilidad de salir con vida. Lo que ella no contaba es encontrarse con Ken Norton, él también un Guerrero Fantasma, víctima de los oscuros experimentos de Whitney, que intenta traspasar los muros de la prisión para cumplir su propia misión, que tiene que ver con el misterioso pasado de Mari y el trágico destino de su melliza. Ahora, la supervivencia de Mari depende de confiar ciegamente en Ken y en seguir todos sus movimientos. Poco a poco, la forzosa intimidad en la que deben convivir mientras huyen de los rebeldes va convirtiéndose en una pasión que amenaza con romper todas las barreras.
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Showing 5 featured editions. View all 11 editions?
Edition | Availability |
1 |
Deadly Game (GhostWalkers, Book 5)
February 27, 2007, Jove
Mass Market Paperback
in English
0515142611 9780515142617
3 |
4 |
Deadly Game
October 17, 2007, Thorndike Press
in English
- Lrg edition
0786297158 9780786297153
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Work Description
Christine Feehan, New York Times bestselling author and "the queen of paranormal romance"* now explores the limits of endurance and the boundaries of passion in a life-and-death struggle to survive…
It began as a mission to find a notorious politician whose plane went down in the Congo. But the risky operation took an unexpected turn when Mari, a physically enhanced member of the rescue team, was taken hostage by rebel forces. Now, imprisoned in an isolated compound, Mari has only chance for survival - escape. What she doesn't count on is Ken Norton, expert assassin and himself a Ghostwalker warrior, fighting to get behind the prison walls on a mission of his own - one that reaches into Mari's own past and the mysterious fate of her twin sister. . . and that will bind Ken and Mari in an intoxicating passion that raises the stakes on the deadliest game of survival they've ever played.
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February 3, 2023 | Edited by OnFrATa | Merge works |
January 31, 2023 | Edited by OnFrATa | Merge works |
April 8, 2013 | Edited by Anand Chitipothu | undo merge authors |
January 8, 2013 | Edited by Antonia Cervantes | merge authors |
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