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"American public policy has become demonstrably more conservative since the 1960s. Neither Jimmy Carter nor Bill Clinton was much like either John F. Kennedy or Lyndon Johnson. The American public, however, has not become more conservative. Why, then, the right turn in public policy? Using both individual- and aggregate-level survey data, Marc Hetherington shows that the rapid decline in Americans' political trust since the 1960s is critical to explaining this puzzle. As people lost faith in the federal government, the delivery system for most progressive policies, they supported progressive ideas much less. The 9/11 attacks increased such trust as public attention focused on security, but the effect was temporary." "This book represents a substantial contribution to the study of public opinion and voting behavior, policy, and American politics generally."--BOOK JACKET.
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Previews available in: English
Politics and government, Public opinion, Progressivism (United States politics), Voting, Political participation, Political alienation, Public opinion, united states, United states, politics and government, Liberalismus, Verlust, Politiek vertrouwen, Sociale hervormingen, Aliénation politique, 89.42 internal relations of the state with civilians, Publieke opinie, Opinion publique, Vertrauen, Progressisme, Öffentliche Meinung, Sociale politiek, Politisches System, Liberalisme, Politique et gouvernement, Participation politique, VotePlaces
United StatesEdition | Availability |
Why Trust Matters: Declining Political Trust and the Demise of American Liberalism
September 25, 2006, Princeton University Press
in English
- New Ed edition
0691128707 9780691128702
Why trust matters: declining political trust and the demise of American liberalism
2005, Princeton University Press
in English
0691117764 9780691117768
Why Trust Matters: Declining Political Trust and the Demise of American Liberalism
October 4, 2004, Princeton University Press
in English
0691117764 9780691117768
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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