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Analys och tolkning, Law (Theology), Bible, Bibel, Criticism, interpretation, Religious aspects, Gesetz, Authority, Autorität, Evidences, authority, Bibeln, Biblical teaching, Bible, criticism, interpretation, etc., Bible, evidences, authority, etc., Law (theology), Criticism, interpretation, etc, Evidences, authority, etc, Law (theology)--biblical teaching, Bs511.3 .a54 2009, 220.601Edition | Availability |
Biblical laws and contemporary controversies: the need for inclusive interpretation
2009, Oxford University Press
in English
0195305507 9780195305500
Book Details
Table of Contents
The need for inclusive biblical interpretation
Defining the other : the need to make the connections
The need to unmask particularity
Unmasking the church
Unmasking the academy
Problematic biblical laws : the view from the other side
Women and (homo) sexuality
The poor
Non-Israelites (foreigners)
The Ten commandments (the decalogue)
Challenging the principles of Old Testament ethics
Waldemar Janzen : the familial paradigm
Christopher J.H. Wright : what about the canaanites?
John Barton : the basis of Old Testament ethics
The Bible, ethics, and the margins
Ruth and Esther as models for the formation of God's people : engaging liberationist critiques
Ruth : a woman, a daughter-in-law, and a Moabite
Feminist/womanist critiques : empowering the marginalized
Queer critiques : challenging the exclusive focus on males
Postcolonial critiques : struggling against the Colonial Empire
Esther : a woman, a queen, and a minority
Feminist/womanist critiques : who really wins?
Queer critiques : to pass or not to pass is the question
Postcolonial critiques : imperial/colonial powers, marginalization, and violence
Reading Ruth and Esther in the real world : a first world response
Jesus, Paul, the law and inclusive biblical interpretation
Jesus, the law, and inclusive biblical interpretation
Jesus against the Pharisees and their great tradition
Jesus : elements of inclusive biblical interpretation
Jesus considers the impact of an interpretation on the marginalized
Jesus, new interpretation is grounded in the biblical tradition
Jesus identifies the absolute requirement of God
Jesus includes the excluded
Paul, the law, and inclusive biblical interpretation
Paul : elements of inclusive biblical interpretation
Paul includes the excluded and he bases it on the biblical tradition
Paul considers the impact of an interpretation or policy on the marginalized
Paul identifies the absolute requirement of God
The Protestant reformers and inclusive
Biblical interpretation
Thinking contextually/thinking theologically
The Protestant reformers, biblical authority, and biblical interpretation
The Protestant heritage and inclusive biblical interpretation
A reformed contribution : the Word of God
A Lutheran contribution : the indwelling Christ
A Wesleyan contribution : the law of love
Biblical authority and the ethics of biblical interpretation
Reconceptualizing scripture and biblical authority
The ethics of biblical interpretation
The need for an inclusive approach continues : the united states, the founding fathers, and the national identity
Unmasking the national rhetoric of inclusion
Working towards real inclusion : participatory democracy and the prophetic tradition.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references.
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