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Inside the Revolution takes you inside the winner-take-all battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of the people of the Middle East. It includes never-before-seen profiles of the Radicals, the Reformers and the Revivalists. It explains the implications of each movement and the importance of each leader--not only through the lenses of politics and economics but through the third lens of Scripture as well. Today, wars and revolutions define the modern Middle East, and many believe the worst is yet to come.Inside the Revolution deals with questions like these:--"How real and serious is the threat of Radical Islam to American national security eight years after 9/11?"--"Are there any Muslim leaders who oppose the violence of the Radicals--and is there any hope that such leaders will come to power in key countries in the Middle East?"--"What is God doing in the Middle East--and is there any hope that Muslims will find faith in Jesus Christ?"--"How can we as Christians help strengthen our brothers and sisters who love Jesus in the Muslim world, and how can we reach out to Muslims here at home?"The Followers of Jihad: On April 1, 1979, Iran became the first Islamic republic in history. Three decades later, the shock waves from the Iranian Revolution are still being felt around the globe [and] we are rapidly approaching the most dangerous moment in the history of the Iranian Revolution. Iran’s senior leaders have stated publicly that the end of the world is “imminent.”…They are feverishly trying to build, buy or steal nuclear weapons….Iran, however, is not the only threat. Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda terrorist network remain a clear and present danger to U.S. national security…. What the Radicals need most is Western ignorance, apathy, and lack of moral clarity. If the West can be lulled to sleep…then the Radicals will soon be able to pull off a series of attacks that make 9/11 pale by comparison and could leave millions dead.The Followers of Jefferson: “Aren’t there any Muslims out there who think the Radicals are crazy and are willing to fight back against the jihadists?” I am often asked. “Where are the Muslim leaders who are promoting freedom and opportunity and trying to create and expand democracy, as difficult as that may be in the modern Middle East?”…Here are the answers: “Yes, absolutely,” and “They’re out there, but they don’t get nearly enough attention.”…While not all Reformers are full-blown “Jeffersonian democrats,” a growing number of Muslim leaders are, in fact, seeking to follow and emulate Thomas Jefferson’s teachings and example….And they are not simply talking about the power of representative government; they are actually gaining real political power and wielding game-changing influence in critical countries in the Middle East.The Followers of Jesus: You rarely hear about it on the news. But the big, untold story is that more Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ today than at any other time in human history….During the course of interviewing more than 150 Christian leaders in the epicenter, I have been able to assemble enough data and anecdotal evidence to paint a picture of how powerfully the God of the Bible is moving to draw Muslims into His family….The head of one leading Iranian ministry told me: “Based on all the things we are seeing inside Iran today, I personally believe that if every Iranian who secretly believes in Jesus could come forward right now and declare his or her faith publicly, the number would top a million.”
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Inside the revolution: how the followers of Jihad, Jefferson & Jesus are battling to dominate the Middle East and transform the world
2009, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
in English
1414319312 9781414319315
Inside the Revolution
2009, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Electronic resource
in English
1414330278 9781414330273
Inside the revolution: how the followers of jihad, Jefferson & Jesus are battling to dominate the Middle East and transform the world
2009, Tyndale House Publishers
in English
1414319312 9781414319315
Dentro de la revolución: cómo los partidarios del yihad, de Jefferson y de Jesús luchan para dominar el Medio Oriente y transformar el mundo
2009, Tyndale House Publishers
in Spanish
1414319347 9781414319346
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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