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Wavy, curly, kinky: the African American child's hair care guide
2005, John Wiley & Sons
in English
0471695343 9780471695349
Book Details
Table of Contents
Introduction: it's more than hair
What is your child's hair texture?
Gentle touches
infants to two years
Training your little girl's hair
girls two to four years old
Changes will come
girls four to eight years old
Exciting times of growth
girls eight to twelve years
Braiding your daughter's hair
Pressing your daughter's hair
Preparing your chemical straighteners (relaxers)
Relaxing kinky hair
Relaxing or texturizing curly hair
Curling methods, tools & tips for your daughter's hair
Hair care for beautiful little boys
The pros and cons of cutting your child's hair
Now, let's cut some hair!
Feed the body, nourish the hair
Understanding your child's hair loss
What if?
Some products to try
Tools to use.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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