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Nanotechnology is a progressive research and development topic with large amounts of venture capital and government funding being invested worldwide. Nano mechanics, in particular, is the study and characterization of the mechanical behaviour of individual atoms, systems and structures in response to various types of forces and loading conditions. This text, written by respected researchers in the field, informs researchers and practitioners about the fundamental concepts in nano mechanics and materials, focusing on their modelling via multiple scale methods and techniques. The book systematically covers the theory behind multi-particle and nanoscale systems, introduces multiple scale methods, and finally looks at contemporary applications in nano-structured and bio-inspired materials.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Nano mechanics and materials: theory, multiscale methods and applications
2006, John Wiley, Wiley
in English
0470018518 9780470018514
Nano Mechanics and Materials
2006, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Electronic resource
in English
0470035218 9780470035214
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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