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"This report provides the results of monitoring five salmonid species as downstream migrants in 2004 from the two most heavily spawned tributaries in the Lake Washington Basin: the Cedar River and Bear Creek. Monitoring sockeye fry production in the Cedar River began in 1992 to investigate the causes of low adult sockeye returns. This annual trapping program, which continued through 2004, was expanded in 1999 with the addition of a second downstream migrant trap to estimate the production of juvenile chinook salmon. With this trap we also estimate the production of coho, steelhead and cutthroat smolts. Assessment of sockeye fry production began in the Sammamish system in 1997. We placed the trap in the Sammamish River at Bothell where we also operated it during the 1998 season. In 1999, to assess chinook production as well as sockeye, we moved this monitoring program to Bear Creek. Since 1999, as in the Cedar River, this trapping operation has also estimated the populations of coho, steelhead and cutthroat smolts."--Exec. Sum.
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Fishery resources, Reproduction, Salmon, StatisticsEdition | Availability |
Evaluation of downstream migrant salmon production in 2004 from the Cedar River and Bear Creek
2005, Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Program, Science Division
in English
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"FPA 05-05."
"Supported by: King County Wastewater Treatment Division, City of Seattle Public Utilities."
"March 2005."
"Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Program, Science Division, Wild Salmon Production/Evaluation"--Cover.
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 50).
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