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This is an anthology of three of Margery Sharp's earlier novelettes, published in America in 1941 by Little, Brown, of Boston.
As far as is known there is no British edition of the anthology, but two of these novelettes had originally been published by Arthur Barker of London, in the early 1930's. All three are thematically connected, and are small Victorian/Regency era vignettes of tragicomedy. As Margery Sharp did not usually write 'romances' in the traditional Victorian or Regency sense of the word, these represent Sharp's exploration of styles, her love of theater, representing an interest in the works of Chekhov, Moliere, Shakespearean drama/comedy, and similar. All three are gems of light, crisp irony, punctuated by moments of absurdity and/or tenderness.
The stories in this collection are: The Nymph and the Nobleman, Sophy Cassmajor, The Tigress on the Hearth.
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June 6, 2014 | Edited by Rebecca Cepeda | added a link to more information about Margery Sharp and her books |
June 6, 2014 | Edited by Rebecca Cepeda | Added a description and a picture |
June 6, 2014 | Edited by Rebecca Cepeda | Added new cover |
December 10, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |