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Kimball Webster (1828-1916), a New Hampshire farmer, began his overland journey to California in April 1849, and remained in California and Oregon until 1854. The gold seekers of '49 (1917) uses Webster's diary as the basis for the account of his trip to California via a wagon train from Independence, Missouri, and his first weeks in the Sacramento Valley. A much later narrative picks up the story of his later career in California as a goldseeker on the Feather River and Nelson's Creek mines, 1849-1850; descriptions of Sacramento, Yuba City, and Marysville; and surveying in Oregon, 1851-1854.
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California, OregonEdition | Availability |
The gold seekers of '49: a personal narrative of the Overland Trail and adventures in California and Oregon from 1849 to 1854
1917, Standard Book Co.
in English
The gold seekers of '49: a personal narrative of the overland trail and adventures in California and Oregon from 1849 to 1854.
1917, Standard book company
in English
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Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
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