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Mathis Lussy (1828-1910) was a Swiss music theorist who taught that rhythm was the foundation for expressive musical performance. In Traité de l’expression musicale he literally wrote the book on musical expression. He believed that the best composers intuitively followed the rules that Lussy codified, and that even inexpressive performers could become somewhat more expressive by understanding and following the rules in the book.
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Edition | Availability |
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Traité de l'expression musicale: accents, nuances et mouvements dans la musique vocale et instrumentale
1874, Heugel et cie
in French
Traité de l'expression musicale: accents, nuances et mouvements dans la musique vocale et instrumentale
1874, Heugel et cie
in French
Traité de l'expression musicale: accents, nuances et mouvements dans la musique vocale et instrumentale
1873, Heugel
in French
- 2. éd.
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At head of title: Médaille de mérite à l'Exposition universelle de Vienne, 1873.
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July 14, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | remove fake subjects |
August 10, 2012 | Edited by ImportBot | import new book |
May 25, 2011 | Edited by Timothy Caldwell | I wrote the book description. |
May 5, 2010 | Edited by EdwardBot | add Accessible book tag |
December 10, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |