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The principal objective of this Outline is to cover in condensed form suitable for self-instruction and review the subject matter of a first course in Analytic Geometry. To this end we have treated a wide variety of topics in both two and three dimensions; though the list is by no means exhaustive, few courses will include all of this material. The Tabulated Bibliography is keyed to some of the standard texts and will facilitate the work of making cross-references.
Just as a knowledge of Analytic Geometry is necessary to the study of the Calculus, so certain studies in Algebra, Plane and Solid Geometry, and Trigonometry are essential preliminaries to Analytic Geometry. Chapter I is devoted wholly to basic review and reference formulae in these latter fields.
Many proofs of theorems are included in this Outline in order to satisfy the natural desire of the serious student to know how certain formulae are derived. These derivations, the carefully worked-out Illustrations, and the more than 200 accurately drawn figures should be of material aid to the person who seeks to gain a basic understanding of the processes involved. Typical and standard problems in the form of Exercises, for which answers are supplied, are inserted at the end of each topic. The sample examinations given in Appendix A should help in preparing for quizzes and final tests. Appendix B contains some useful tables.
Cletus O. Oakley
Haverford, Pennsylvania
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Analytic GeometryPeople
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Bibliography: p. xiii.
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May 29, 2011 | Edited by Jorge Reinaldo Galindo | new description |
May 29, 2011 | Edited by Jorge Reinaldo Galindo | Added new cover |
December 6, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Added subjects from MARC records. |
December 10, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |