Arterial mesenchyme and arteriosclerosis



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January 29, 2025 | History

Arterial mesenchyme and arteriosclerosis


Presently, and in the past, the predominant investigative emphasis among research workers in arteriosclerosis has been on plasma and arterial lipids. Recent data from a number of laboratories suggest that arterial mesenchyme is of considerable importance in the pathogenesis and fate of arteriosclerotic lesions. The significance of some of these observations made it clear that here was need for intensified research on the connective tissue components of the arteriosclerotic lesion and that arterioscle research workers could benefit from a more comprehensive view of the subject. Because of their experience in the field of arteriosclerosis and their interest in stimulating new directions for research on the lesion, the Committee on Coronary Artery Lesions and Myocardial Infarctions of the Council on Arteriosclerosis, American Heart Association, planned an International Workshop on Arterial Mesenchyme and Arteriosclerosis.

The Workshop brought together scientists expert in connective tissue research and research on arteriosclerosis who presented the current status of knowledge in their areas of expertise. The Workshop was held April 2-3, 1973 at the Royal Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana and was attended by more than 170 people. The twenty papers and discussions presented in this volume summarize the proceedings of the Workshop and represent a comprehensive review of the role of arterial mesenchyme in arteriosclerosis. The first section of the volume sets the problem in perspective and includes papers by several expert participants who define the mesenchymal components with respect to the arterial wall and the arteriosclerotic lesion. The Workshop then addressed itself to the interaction of lipids with the various connective tissue components such as collagen, elastin, glycosaminoglycans, and glycoproteins.

The third section of papers is intended to stimulate interest in tissue culture technology and deals with culture techniques applicable in the study of arteriosclerosis. The final series of papers addresses the pathologic processes resulting from the interactions of connective tissue components and the arterial wall. We are hopeful that the Workshop and the published proceedings will stimulate investigators to undertake specific new directions in investigating the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis, including progression and regression of lesions, based on new knowledge of mesenchymal tissues. One of our aims was to publish and disseminate to other investigators in arteriosclerosis and connective tissue research the information presented at the workshop as soon as possible. In this regard we apologize for any unavoidable form and stylistic imperfections. During the printing process for the book all illustrations were reduced 10% in addition to any reductions listed for figures.

Publish Date
Plenum Press

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Edition Notes

Includes bibliographies.

Published in
New York
Advances in experimental medicine and biology,, v. 43


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
RC692 .I57 1973

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xv, 431 p.
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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