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Two beamish boys who've ""always known how charming we are"" celebrate themselves and their homophilic lifestyle from the time -- about ten years ago -- when they met in Washington and came up to New York together to write a ""Gay Corner"" for Screw (gaily obscene) magazine and then edit Gay (also gaily daring). Not too other-directed, they go on and gaily on about their cuisine and fondness for a nocturnal Peach Melba, and their yoga and pampering body-beautiful hygiene, and outings to Fire Island's ""fairyland"" and parties (disappointing in general) with a few slightly more serious notations on masculinity and womanhood in general, and on the movement, politics and politicking. Could it be that alt of this is as mutually exclusive as the title and that all this yingyanging cheer cloys as much as that Peach Melba?
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Previews available in: English
Gay men, Gay liberation movement, Interpersonal relations, Homosexuality, Personal narratives, Biography, Gay male couplesPeople
Lige ClarkePlaces
United StatesEdition | Availability |
I have more fun with you than anybody
1976, St Martin's Press, St James Press
in English
0900997907 9780900997907
2 |
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