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"In Watching Lacandon Maya Lives, the author follows three generations of one Lacandon Maya family. Readers track the subjects' lives as they shift through events such as marriage, parenthood, and religious conversion - all set against a backdrop of increased tourism, road construction, and the murders of two people in the community: designed as a supplement for courses in cultural anthropology or applied anthropology.
Also appropriate for area studies courses on Latin America, a family course, or any course that incorporates cultural ethnography; presents data collected from more than 100 family members over a 20-year longitudinal study in a concise and highly interesting format; offers insightful discussion of gender issues; and analyzes the ethnography of "traditional" Lacandon life and invites students to ask questions and develop critical thinking skills."--BOOK JACKET.
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Lacandon Indians, Indians of mexicoEdition | Availability |
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 185-189) and index.
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