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In the year 4022, an amateur archeologist makes an important discovery in the long buried country of Usa that has many humorous parallels to Howard Carter's excavation of Tutankhamen's tomb.
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Previews available in: English
Humor, Modern Civilization, Antiquities, Anecdotes, Fiction in English, Egyptology, Tutankhamun, Motel Life, Archeology, Fiction, humorous, general, Humor, form, parodies, Pictorial American wit and humor, Fiction, humorous, Civilization, modern--humor, Civilization, modern--1950---humor, Antiquities--humor, Pn6231.c46 m3, 818/.5/407Places
North AmericaEdition | Availability |
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Motel of the Mysteries
1979, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
in English
0547770723 9780547770727
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Work Description
An arch and witty tale purporting to be the dissertation of some future archeologists' discovery and exploration of the "Toot and C'mon Motel" (any resemblance to a Holiday Inn and the Egyptian pharaoh is entirely intentional.) In the process, they get just about every detail wrong, surmising it to be a necropolis - does the "Plant That Would Not Die" symbolize eternal life or… wait a minute, isn't that just the ubiquitous plastic philodendron in every room? - and along the way cast doubt on what we really think we "know" about ancient Egypt. It's all enhanced by Macaulay's detailed and meticulous pen-and-ink sketches. Hilarious and memorable.
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