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A collection of essays discussing various social questions in France during the specified period including the position of women, forms of and reasons for social and religious protest, literacy and the question of proper attitudes towards and treatment of the poor.
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Previews available in: English
Collected works, Labor and laboring classes, Addresses, essays, lectures, Civilization, History, Ancien Régime, Vida intelectual y costumbres, Collections, Vida social y costumbres, Civilisation, Sociale geschiedenis, Economics, France, history, 16th century, Modern, Social life and customsPlaces
1328-1600Edition | Availability |
Society and culture in early modern France: eight essays
1987, Polity Press
in English
074560532X 9780745605326
Society and culture in early modern France: eight essays
1986, Stanford University Press
in English
0804708681 9780804708685
Society and culture in early modern France: eight essays
1975, Stanford University Press
in English
0804708681 9780804708685
Society and culture in early modern France: eight essays
1975, Stanford University Press
0804709726 9780804709729
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Internet Archive item recordmarc_openlibraries_phillipsacademy MARC record
marc_openlibraries_sanfranciscopubliclibrary MARC record
marc_claremont_school_theology MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
marc_claremont_school_theology MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Better World Books record record
marc_columbia MARC record
harvard_bibliographic_metadata record
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