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I never thought it would end.—Clyde SmaldoneStarted by Italian brothers from North Denver, the high-profile Smaldone crime syndicate began in the bootlegging days of the 1920s and flourished well into the late twentieth century. Connected to such notorious crime figures as Al Capone and Carlos Marcello, as well as to presidents and other politicians, charismatic Clyde Smaldone was the crime family's leader from the Prohibition era to the rise of gambling to the family's waning days. Uncovering the good and the bad, best-selling author Dick Kreck captures the complexity of Clyde, brother Checkers, and their crew, who perpetuated a shadowy underworld but exhibited great generosity and commitment to their community, offering food, money, and college funds to struggling families. Through candid interviews and firsthand accounts, Kreck reveals the true sense of what it meant to be a Smaldone, and the mix of love and dysfunction that is part of every American family.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Smaldone: The Untold Story of an American Crime Family
2016, Fulcrum Publishing
in English
1682751147 9781682751145
Smaldone: The Untold Story of an American Crime Family
2011,, Limited
in English
1459611071 9781459611078
3 |
Smaldone: the untold story of an American crime family
2009, Fulcrum Pub.
in English
1555917186 9781555917180
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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