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In the years since Anthony Holden wrote his classic memoir Big Deal, the poker world has changed beyond recognition. When Holden played in the 1988 World Series of Poker there were 167 starters competing for a prize of $270,000. Since then, poker has become the world's largest single-competitor sport -- at the 2006 World Series there were almost 9,000 players and a first prize of $12 million, the richest in any sport. What happened in the years between Big Deal and Bigger Deal could never have been predicted: the Internet and television sparked a worldwide explosion in the popularity of poker, one that shows no sign of abating. In Bigger Deal, Holden is your guide to the world of the "new" poker -- to the players who dominate the modern game and the personalities behind the multibillion-dollar business it has become -- as he tries once again to win the world title.
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Previews available in: English
Biography, Poker, Poker players, Tournaments, Great britain, biographyPeople
Anthony Holden (1947-)Edition | Availability |
Bigger Deal: A Year Inside the Poker Boom
April 1, 2008, Simon & Schuster
in English
0743294831 9780743294836
Bigger Deal: A Year Inside the Poker Boom
May 8, 2007, Simon & Schuster
in English
0743294823 9780743294829
Bigger deal: a year on the new poker circuit
2007, Simon & Schuster
in English
- 1st Simon & Schuster hardover ed.
0743294823 9780743294829
Bigger deal: a year on the new poker circuit
2007, Little, Brown, LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY
in English
0316730777 9780316730778
Book Details
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 275-276).
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