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"For more than thirty years, Kevin Phillips' insight into American politics and economics has helped to make history as well as record it. Now he turns his attention to the United States' history of great wealth and power, a sweeping cavalcade from the American Revolution to what he calls "the Second Gilded Age" at the turn of the twenty-first century.".
"The Second Gilded Age has been staggering enough in its concentration of wealth to dwarf the original Gilded Age a hundred years earlier. However, the tech crash and then the horrible events of September 11, 2001, pointed out that great riches are as vulnerable as they have ever been. In Wealth and Democracy, Kevin Phillips charts the ongoing American saga of great wealth - how it has been accumulated, its shifting sources, and its ups and downs over more than two centuries.
He explores how the rich and politically powerful have frequently worked together to create or perpetuate privilege, often at the expense of the national interest and usually at the expense of the middle and lower classes."--BOOK JACKET.
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Previews available in: English
Politics and government, Wealth, Political corruption, Representative government and representation, Political Science, History - U.S., United States - General, History: World, United States, Government - U.S. Government, History / General, History - General History, History & Theory - General, Political Ideologies - Democracy, Richesse, Corruption (Politique), Gouvernement représentatif, Rijkdom, Politieke macht, Politieke elites, Classes sociais, Sociedade (aspectos político-socioeconômicos;história), Riqueza, Corrupção, Régime représentatif, Corruption politique, Démocratie, Reichtum, Politisches System, Machtmissbrauch, Social classes, united states, United states, economic conditions, United states, politics and government, New York Times reviewedEdition | Availability |
Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich
April 8, 2003, Broadway
in English
0767905342 9780767905343
Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich
May 14, 2002, Broadway, Broadway Books
in English
- 1 edition
0767905334 9780767905336
Book Details
First Sentence
"The debate over the compatibility of wealth and democracy is as old as the republic."
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Ithaca College Library MARC record
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marc_openlibraries_sanfranciscopubliclibrary MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
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