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This is the tenth of eleven volumes of the paperback magazine, 'Destinies: The Paperback Magazine of Science Fiction and Speculative Fact.' Originly planned to be published six times a year, but by issue #4, its title page listed it as being "Published four times a year." The series lasted for a total of eleven books, it was followed by 'New Destinies' in 1987.
The Staff for this issue are;
* Art Director: Charles Volpe
* Assistant Editors: Susan Allison
* Editor: James Patrick Baen
* Cover art by Steve Hickman. Interior Illustrations by Rick Sternbach, Broeck Steadman, Janet Aulisio, Steve Fabian.
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Science fiction, universe, space, Fiction, generalEdition | Availability |
Destinies: The Paperback Magazine of Science Fiction and Speculative Fact, Winter 1981, Vol. 3, No. 1
April 1981, Ace Books
in English
0441142893 9780441142897
Book Details
Table of Contents
Travellers. By David Drake. 234
Shall We Take A Little Walk? By Gregory Benford. 6
Tears For Emily. By Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. 90
Short Stories
A Letter From God. By Ian Watson. 55
Dear Editor. By James Randi. 126
The Final Days. By David Langford. 154
A Death In Realtime. By Richard Sean McEnroe. 164
Dreams Come True. By Eric Vinicoff. 185
Speculative Fact
Humans As Machines. (The importance of the ideas of Edward O. Wilson can best be gauged by the degree of rage they have engendered in anthropocentrists.) By Robert Silverberg. 36
Minds, Machines, and Evolution. (If a model for Mind can be generated by Natural Law, then one day machines will think. If not, not.) By James F. Hogan. 67
On Books. (New writers should resist the inclination to embark upon extended series until they have matured sufficiently to know better.) By norman Spinrad. 115
Take Me To Your Teacher. (Will she, nil she, sf becomes respectable.) By Elizabeth Anne Hull. 175
On Predicting the Future. (Crystal-Gazing for Fun and Profit. Virtually everything that has come to pass in the last thirty-five years has been predicted by some science fiction story-still, sf's record as a prophet has been lousy.) By Frederik Pohl. 135
Nuclear Survival. (Part IV: Power-and Potties!-To the People. Like Most of the rest of us, you probably believe that a nuclear exchange between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. is a significant likelihood, and that it is not survivable. If so, you're wrong; survival is an option....) By Dean Ing. 204
Understanding Ein. (Einstein: His life in relation to science fiction.) By James Gunn. 221
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