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This book focuses upon Liberty as a first principle without carrying it to the libertarian extreme. While it does not reject the metaphysical validity of the natural rights tradition, it concedes that rights in themselves have no political efficacy (at least if a large majority of voters reject them). So it takes a Madisonian approach to democratic power by suggesting that a competition of numerous self-interested factions tends to promote amelioration and compromise when it comes to legislation. The middle chapter focuses upon the role of the educated liberal elite to educate the potential voters. The book also has a credible chapter advocating world federalism as a way to promote world peace while preserving local identities.
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Democracy is Dangerous: Resisting the Tyranny of the Majority
2003-02, University Press of America
in English
0761824596 9780761824596
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August 18, 2020 | Edited by Gustav-Landauer-Bibliothek Witten | person |
August 25, 2011 | Edited by | Added the subtitle. |
April 28, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Linked existing covers to the work. |
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