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Jews in America or Probabilities That the Americans Are of That Race
July 2003, Kessinger Publishing
in English
0766169669 9780766169661
Book Details
First Sentence
"IT hath been much, and many times, in feverall mens thoughts, what Genius devoted our Countreymen fo willingly to forfake their Friends, and Nation, expofing themfelves by voyages long and perillous to fo many inconveniences, as are to be encountred with by Strangers in a forraigne and unchristian land; fome were haftened by their diflike of Church Government; other perhaps were in hope to enrich themselves by fuch Adventures; and 'tis like, divers of them did forefee thofe Epidemicall Calamities, now for fo many years oppreffing this forlorne Nation, following thereupon Solomons Counsell, A prudent man forefeeth the evill, and hideth himfelfe, c. Prov. 22. 5."
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