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Change is the essential goal of the counseling process. And Christian counselors recognize, as the author is so concerned to remind us, "Substantial change requires the alteration of the heart." How does a Christian counselor work in order to bring about this kind of change? The answer is found, of course, in Scripture -- in 2 Timothy 3:14-17, to be specific. This book answers not only the question "How does a counselor help people change?" but also "How does scripture operate as the source of a counselor's method?" It is a book that has much to say about the ongoing discussion of the relationship between theology and psychology in the enterprise of Christian counseling. - Back cover.
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Previews available in: English
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How to help people change: the four-step Biblical process
1986, Ministry Resources Library
in English
031051181X 9780310511816
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Includes bibliographical references.
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