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A tenacious man, woman and their Tibetan horse dare to challenge fate and the bounds of endurance on an "impossible" 1000-kilometer Himalayan trek from Lhasa, Tibet to Kathmandu. In the shadow of snowy Everest, they witness a Tibetan culture pushed to the edge of extinction and discover the human link connecting us all. A riveting true tale of courage and poignant eulogy for a vanishing Shangri-La. An IPPY Award-winner.
"Recommended for adventure travel and Tibetan culture collections." ~ Library Journal
“An engrossing, fascinating read sure to be relished by those readers interested in adventure travel and Tibetan culture. It is also a highly spiritual story of faith which reminds us that nothing is really impossible, that obstacles are often magnified in the human mind, and that the journey is far more important than the destination itself." ~ Mayra Calvani, Midwest Book Review
“I came under the spell of Brandon Wilson’s lively and vivid prose. He is a fine writer—perceptive, funny, a great way with words—making the book a whooping good read.” ~ Royal Robbins, renowned mountaineer, author, and adventure kayaker
"A wonderful and wild read…charged, alive, and a little threatening. Yak Butter Blues flickers insistently like a flashbulb afterimage in the mind long after the book is tucked away….” ~ Richard Bangs, world-class adventurer/co-founder of Mountain Travel Sobek/author
“A high-altitude tale of synchronicity, divine providence, begging monks, trigger-happy Chinese soldiers and dehydration.” ~ Rebekah Scott, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
"A soaring travel diary. It places the reader in the thick of the action every bit as well as Marco Polo transported Italians to China and better than Lowell Thomas led readers in the dust of Lawrence of Arabia." ~ Joseph Bean, Book Reviewer, Maui Weekly
"An authentic travelogue and odyssey across miles of life changing landscapes and opportunities for memorable photographs. Sadhu, the horse who makes their journey possible captured my heart and the conclusion was more emotional than I expected. (5 stars)" ~ The Rebecca Review, Rebecca Johnson, Amazon Top Ten Reviewer
“A 600-mile foot slog through Tibet in which you can almost smell the dust and feel the blisters. Worth a read by any adventure or travel-trekking novel enthusiast.” ~ Backpacking Light Magazine
“ Told with humor and insight, this vivid narrative allows you to vicariously experience life at true Tibetan pace, one step at a time: so close, you can almost smell the yak butter.” ~ Michael Buckley, author of Tibet: the Bradt Travel Guide
"A true pilgrimage, one that plumbs the heart of troubled Tibet and teaches impatient and stubborn Westerners to slow down and appreciate this amazing planet." ~ Wanda Adams, Honolulu Advertiser, (Gannett)
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Tibet, Nepal, travelog, adventure, Himalayas, Brandon Wilson, Dalai Lama, Buddhism, pilgrimage, trekking, travelogue, hiking, Mt. Everest, Social life and customs, Description and travelPeople
Brandon & Cheryl WilsonTimes
1992Edition | Availability |
Yak Butter Blues: Una Caminata de Fe Por El Tíbet
October 2010, Pilgrim's Tales, Inc.
in Spanish
0977053601 9780977053605
YAK BUTTER BLUES: A Tibetan Trek of Faith
November 1, 2005, Pilgrim's Tales, Inc., Pilgrim's Tales
in English
- 2 edition
0977053679 9780977053674
YAK BUTTER BLUES: A Tibetan Trek of Faith
November 1, 2005, Pilgrim's Tales, Inc.
in English
- 2 edition
0977053660 9780977053667
Yak Butter Blues: A Tibetan Trek of Faith
July 31, 2004, Pilgrim's Tales
in English
- First edition
1933037245 9781933037240
Yak Butter Blues: A Tibetan Trek of Faith
July 31, 2004, Pilgrim's Tales, Inc.
in English
- 1st edition
1933037237 9781933037233
Book Details
First Sentence
"High in the Rockies, in secluded mountain villages like Vail, there were still some things on which you could depend."
Edition Notes
"Recommended for adventure travel and Tibetan culture collections." ~ Library Journal,
"A whooping good read – an outstanding production." ~ Royal Robins, world-class mountaineer
Also available in perfect paperback. Ages 14+
The Physical Object
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Work Description
A tenacious man, woman and their Tibetan horse dare to challenge fate and the bounds of endurance on an "impossible" 1000-kilometer Himalayan trek from Lhasa, Tibet to Kathmandu. In the shadow of snowy Everest, they witness a Tibetan culture pushed to the edge of extinction and discover the human link connecting us all. A riveting tale of courage and poignant eulogy for a vanishing Shangri-La.
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