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"Mayan manuscripts and stone glyphs from pre-Columbian times are among the few historical documents by or about early Native Americans. Many other native artifacts have been destroyed and their memories suppressed.".
"To arrive at an authentic ethnohistory of Amerindians and to understand the multi-dimensional nature of the ancient indigenous world, historians must rely on the work of archeologists, anthropologists, and linguists, who are constantly announcing new discoveries. They must also reexamine Spanish and Portuguese texts written in the early years of conquest and settlement from an essentially Eurocentric point of view to uncover the Indian voices beneath the surface.
New evidence is emerging to challenge old notions of native Americans as "noble savages" living in an Eden-like paradise, or isolated, primitive people quickly defeated by "superior" Europeans.".
"Hernan Horna integrates these insights into a concise indigenous history which, without bypassing western historiography, covers the nature of the Amerindians' world before Columbus as well as their post-conquest adaptations, co-existence and struggle against colonial rule and subjugation by the Catholic Church and state.
His book provides a context for understanding the resilience of native languages, cultures and populations throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as the demands their leaders are now making for recognition and justice in lands stretching from Patagonia to Alaska."--BOOK JACKET.
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Previews available in: English
Politics and government, Ethnic identity, Indios de America, Identidad cultural, Trato recibido, Indianen, Indians, Race relations, Historia, Precolumbiaans tijdperk, Treatment of Indians, History, Indians, history, Indians, ethnic identity, Indians, treatment of, latin america, Latin america, politics and governmentEdition | Availability |
La Indianidad: The Indigenous World Before Latin Americans
August 2001, Markus Wiener Publishers
in English
1558762698 9781558762695
La Indianidad: The Indigenous World Before Latin Americans
August 2001, Markus Wiener Publishers
in English
155876268X 9781558762688
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