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Une jeune leucémique dépendant de sa soeur aînée, génétiquement compatible, se voit refuser un rein. Basé sur un fait réel. [SDM].
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Jodi Picoult, Movie Tie-in, Adult, American Domestic, Fiction, Literature, Family, Sisters, Mothers, Daughters, Cancer, Leukemia, Sick children, Teenage girls, Morals, Morality, Ethics, Ethical, Donors, Bone, Marrow, Organ, Genetic, Engineering, Hospital, Patient, Blood, Transfusions, Transplants, Needles, Bruising, Successful? Not? Muchachas adolescentes, Hermanas, Madre e hija, Novela doméstica, Leucemia, Ficción, Pacientes, Parent and child, Patients, Organ donors, Mothers and daughters, Fiction, family life, Mothers and daughters, fiction, Sisters, fiction, Family Life, Literary, Women, Teenagers, Girls, Donation of organs, tissues, Children, Mother-daughter relationship, Domestic fiction, Large type books, Psychology, Realistic Fiction, Fiction, family life, general, Open Library Staff Picks, Reading Level-Grade 7, Reading Level-Grade 9, Reading Level-Grade 8, Reading Level-Grade 11, Reading Level-Grade 10, Reading Level-Grade 12, nyt:mass-market-paperback=2009-06-07, New York Times bestseller, New York Times reviewed, Famille, Romans, Sœurs, Romans, nouvelles, Adolescentes, Donneurs d'organes, Enfants malades, Mères et filles, collectionID:EanesChallenge, Leucémiques, collectionID:bannedbooks, Bone marrow, Transplantation, Genetic engineering, Moral and ethical aspectsPeople
2004Showing 10 featured editions. View all 50 editions?
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01 |
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Beim Leben meiner Schwester: Roman
2008-09, Piper
in German
- 12. Auflage
3492247962 9783492247962
04 |
05 |
My sister's keeper: a novel
2006, Atria Books
in English
- Atria books export ed.
141654917X 9781416549178
07 |
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09 |
10 |
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Work Description
With her penetrating insight into the hearts and minds of real people, Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper examines what it means to be a good parent, a good sister, a good person, and what happens when emotions meet with scientific advances. Now a major film.
Anna is not sick, but she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions and shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukemia that has plagued her since childhood. Anna was conceived as a bone marrow match for Kate a life and a role that she has never questioned until now.
Like most teenagers, Anna is beginning to ask herself who she truly is. But unlike most teenagers, she has always been defined in terms of her sister - and so Anna makes a decision that for most would be unthinkable a decision that will tear her family apart and have perhaps fatal consequences for the sister she loves.
Told from multiple points of view, My Sister's Keeper examines what it means to be a good parent, a good sister, a good person. Is it morally correct to do whatever it takes to save a child's life . . . even if that means infringing upon the rights of another? Should you follow your own heart, or let others lead you?
Once again, in My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult tackles a controversial real-life subject with grace, wisdom, and sensitivity.
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