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Criticism, Q hypothesis (Synoptics criticism), Bible, Two source hypothesis (Synoptics criticism), Criticism, interpretation, Narrative Exegese, Critique, interprétation, Deux sources, Théorie des (Question synoptique), Verteltheorie, Document Q (Critique biblique), Evangeliën, Synoptic problem, 11.46 study and interpretation of the New Testament, Zweiquellentheorie, Bible, criticism, interpretation, etc., n. t. gospels, Q hypothesis (synoptics criticism)Edition | Availability |
Narrative Elements in the Double Tradition (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft Und Die Kunde Der Alteren Kirche)
September 11, 2002, Walter de Gruyter
in English
3110175258 9783110175257
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"The assumption that Q represents a tradition, document, or even a community that lacked a narrative interest in Jesus of Nazareth rests on a more fundamental view of gospel origins."
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