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This is the story of the Crucifixion, told from the unfamiliar viewpoint of the enemies of Jesus, of those who planned it and regarded it as their triumph.
It is also the ageless story of the conflict between good and evil, of how men and women who never mean to serve evil, who desire only the pleasant things of life, who do only what “everyone” does to obtain them, can be drawn slowly but terribly into the absolute power of evil; until they are destroyed.
Brian Cleeve says that this book is not fiction, but fact, received by him in the same way he received his two other extraordinary books – The House on the Rock and The Seven Mansions. The Fourth Mary completes the trilogy and is in a way even more extraordinary than the other two books. There are things in it that may well shock many readers.
There is sexual love in it, and hatred and sadism, and that terrible perversion of love that we call masochism. According to Brian Cleeve, “Sado-Masochism” is the Black Mass of Love.
Brian Cleeve is a best selling novelist and journalist. His books include Sara, Judith, and Cry of Morning. He has already published two prophetic works, The House on the Rock and The Seven Mansions.
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August 15, 2013 | Edited by Sai Shankar | merge authors |
October 27, 2011 | Edited by | Edited without comment. |
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