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Psychoanalysis and feminism, Catholic Church, Psychoanalysis and religion, Clergy, Women priests, Femmes dans l'Eglise catholique, Aspect religieux, Ordination des femmes, Clerge, Psychanalyse, Ordination, Psychanalyse et feminisme, Eglise catholique, Femmes pretres, Clerge feminin, Psychoanalyse, Feminisme, Frau, Psychologie, Priester, Christianisme, Theologie feministe, Katholische Kirche, Women clergy, Ordination of women, Catholic church, clergy, appointment, call and election, Catholic church, clergy, PriestsEdition | Availability |
When Women Become Priests: The Catholic Women's Ordination Debate
2000, Columbia University Press
in English
023111334X 9780231113342
When Women Become Priests: The Catholic Women's Ordination Debate
2000, Columbia University Press
in English
0231506139 9780231506137
When Women Become Priests
May 15, 2000, Columbia University Press
in English
0231113358 9780231113359
Book Details
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"This book is about what will happen when women become Catholic priests."
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October 8, 2020 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
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