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As its subtitle suggests, this book presents the truth about food additives - what they are, what they do, how they are approved and regulated (essentially, somebody sticks it in a food and if it doesn't kill anyone right off, it's deemed safe and stays approved unless there is incontrovertible evidence to the contrary), and the role governments play (or, more often, don't play) in regulating what goes into our food.
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Previews available in: English
food additives, chemicals, food safety, food regulations, food processing, Food additives, Law and legislation, Radiation preservation of food, Food, Biotechnology, Food law and legislation, Labeling, Aliments, Additifs, Droit, Irradiation, Biotechnologie, Étiquetage, Knowledge, Social valuesEdition | Availability |
Hard to Swallow: The Truth about Food Additives
November 1, 1998, Alive Books, Pi. Ke. Bṟadērs
in English
0920470475 9780920470473
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