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Developing safety regulations for pesticides used around the world-in excess of 2.5 million tons annually-requires reliable analytical methods for assessing their impact in food and in the environment. Analysis of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples presents the most effective techniques for analyzing pesticide residues and other chemical contaminants in foods as well as in soil, water, and air. Renowned Scientists Report New Data and Advances in the Field The book introduces sample preparation, extraction, and analytical methods specific to each sample type, including foods from vegetal and animal origin. Other chapters discuss important aspects of quality assurance and the applicability of hyphenated analytical techniques. In addition to a practical chapter on the use of biosensors and immunoassays for monitoring and gathering exposure data, the book addresses regulatory aspects and presents current data on the levels of pesticides found in food and environmental matrices. Latest Methods Help Scientists Develop Safer, More Effective Pesticides Analysis of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples enables scientists to measure and predict the behavior and toxicity of pesticides with a higher degree of accuracy. The methodologies and insight in this timely work will contribute to the development of more effective, less toxic pesticides as well as better safety regulations.
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Previews available in: English
Chemistry, Nonfiction, Science, Pesticides, Food, analysis, Pesticide residues in food, Food, Analysis, Food Analysis, Résidus dans les aliments, Aliments, Analyse, Pesticide, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING, Food Science, Chemische Analyse, Lebensmittel, Lebensmitteluntersuchung, Pestizid, Pestizidrückstand, Rückstandsanalyse, Umweltanalytik, Ökologische ChemieEdition | Availability |
Analysis of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples
2008, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1281238635 9781281238634
Analysis of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples
2008, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
0429195885 9780429195884
Analysis of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples
2008, Taylor and Francis
Electronic resource
in English
1420007750 9781420007756
Analysis of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples
February 6, 2008, CRC
in English
0849375525 9780849375521
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