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Out in space, on the other side of the sun, is the Planet Of The Dogs. This is the story of the first time dogs came to planet Earth to teach people about loyalty and love and to save the farmers of Green Valley from the invasion by the Stone City warriors.
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Previews available in: English
dog, children, adventure, fantasy, non-violence, invaders, warriors, bears, poodle, shepherd, horses, castle, planet, Dogs, Juvenile fictionEdition | Availability |
Planet Of The Dogs
July 1, 2006, Barking Planet Productions
in English
- 1ST edition
0978692802 9780978692803
Book Details
First Sentence
"Our story begins long, long ago, before there were dogs on planet Earth."
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This description is from a book review by Nancy Houser posted on It is written in the voice of one of her dogs.
" ... “Planet of the Dogs” by Robert J. McCarty of Barking Planet Productions... A children’s book, my owners have read this book to us not once, but twice. I think the adults enjoyed it along with all of us dogs…so I can guarantee children would love it also! Raining “cats and dogs” outside, time seemed to disappear as all of us dogs learned how we came to Earth from the Planet of the Dogs and why. As we smiled at each other and gave one another the “paws high five”, we knew now what our purpose was with humans even though the story came through the imagination of author Robert J. McCarty. Heck, it might be true!
As humans began to have problems in the early days (if you like Tolkien stories, you will love this one) the dogs on their own planet began to hear of it, and felt they needed to come down to assist. Working with the young children Daisy and Bean, the dogs began their way to Earth and into the hearts of the small village of Green Valley, a peaceful group of farmers and artisans. Not warriors, they found themselves in need of defending against those of Stone City who would soon attempt to take them over to steal the dogs whose reputation was beginning to spread.
In the short time they were on Earth, dogs had became known as sheep caretakers, healers for those who were ill or lonely, as loving companions, and as defenders against bears, foxes and wolves who would do much damage to these small carefully tended farms. The violent warriors of Stone City wanted these newly arrived dogs for themselves to turn into slaves for their own usage, and were preparing a surprise attack on the unsuspecting village of Green Valley during their annual Harvest Festival. But little did they know the dreams of the Queen Dog, Miss Merrie on the Planet of the Dogs, had already forewarned their human friends on Earth, and all the dogs were planning a defensive attack on Earth to help the kindly people of Green Valley!
Parallel to the problems of today, Planet of the Dogs shows how those of different backgrounds and cultures can work together in a peaceful manner to overcome massive obstacles if they choose to. Full of excitement and loving dogs, this first book in the series from Barking Dog Productions wants you coming back for more, making its readers wish such a world actually does exist! This is definitely a beautiful dog’s book for not only dogs, but for children and adults alike who can close their eyes and wish for a better world…alive through their own dogs that have been lovingly shared with them by the Planet of the Dogs!
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