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100 Thematic Word Search Puzzles is a reproducible esl textbook of, as the title suggests, 100 word search puzzles. Word search puzzles are the ones where you are given a list of words. You are also given a grid with letters on it. The esl student must search the grid to find all the words from the list. The words camouflaged on the grid go in various directions: left to right, right to left, up and down, and diagonally in any direction.Each puzzle is based on a theme. Each puzzle has at least 40 words to be found. After all the words have been found, the puzzle has not been completed entirely. As a bonus, the remaining or extra letters on the grid can be arranged, in the order they are found on the grid, to make a sentence relevant to the topic. There is a complete Answer Key.Puzzles from 100 Thematic Word Search Puzzles can be used alone or with other thematically linked esl materials. Your esl class will have fun while learning! And teaching esl just became easier!
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Previews available in: English
Education, Foreign Language Study, Language Arts, NonfictionEdition | Availability |
100 Thematic Word Search Puzzles
2006, Full Blast Productions
in English
1895451450 9781895451450
100 Thematic Word Search Puzzles
December 12, 2002, Full Blast Productions
1895451450 9781895451450
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