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Thoroughly updated and revised for its second edition, this advanced textbook provides an introduction to the basic methods of computational physics, and an overview of recent progress in several areas of scientific computing. The author presents many step-by-step examples, including program listings in JavaTM, of practical numerical methods from modern physics and related areas. The book begins by dealing with basic computational tools and routines, covering approximating functions, differential equations, spectral analysis, and matrix operations. Important concepts are illustrated by relevant examples at each stage. The author also discusses more advanced topics, such as molecular dynamics, modeling continuous systems, Monte Carlo methods, genetic algorithm and programming, and numerical renormalization. Now including many more exercises, this can be used as a textbook for either undergraduate or first-year graduate courses on computational physics or scientific computation. It will also be a useful reference for anyone involved in computational research.
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Previews available in: English
Physics, Methodology, Mathematical physics, Numerical calculations, Data processing, Nonfiction, Informatique, Fysische informatica, Physique, Computerphysik, Calculs numériques, Méthodologie, Physique mathématique, Physics, data processing, Physics, methodology, Scientific computing, Physics - general & miscellaneous, Mathematics - applied, Scientific methodology, Mathematics - general & miscellaneousEdition | Availability |
An Introduction to Computational Physics
February 13, 2006, Cambridge University Press
in English
- 2 edition
0521825695 9780521825696
An Introduction to Computational Physics
November 30, 2005, Cambridge University Press
in English
- 2 edition
0521532760 9780521532761
An Introduction to Computational Physics
2002, Cambridge University Press
in English
051113794X 9780511137945
An introduction to computational physics
1997, Cambridge University Press
in English
0521481430 9780521481434
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 357-365) and index.
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Scriblio MARC recordIthaca College Library MARC record record record
Better World Books record
Better World Books record
Library of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
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marc_columbia MARC record
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- Created April 1, 2008
- 19 revisions
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July 12, 2024 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
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November 23, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
April 1, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from Scriblio MARC record |