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In Trust, a sweeping assessment of the emerging global economic order "after History," Fukuyama examines a wide range of national cultures in order to divine the hidden principles that make a good and prosperous society, and his findings strongly challenge the orthodoxies of both left and right.
In fact, economic life is pervaded by culture and depends, Fukuyama maintains, on moral bonds of social trust. This is the unspoken, unwritten bond between fellow citizens that facilitates transactions, empowers individual creativity, and justifies collective action.
In the global struggle for economic predominance that is now upon us - a struggle in which cultural differences will become the chief determinant of national success - the social capital represented by trust will be as important as physical capital. But trust varies greatly from one society to another, and a map of how social capital is distributed around the world yields many surprises.
The greatness of this country, he maintains, was built not on its imagined ethos of individualism but on the cohesiveness of its civil associations and the strength of its communities. But Fukuyama warns that our drift into a more and more extreme rights-centered individualism - a radical departure from our past communitarian tradition - holds more peril for the future of America than any competition from abroad.
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Commerce, Moral and ethical aspects, Competition, International, International Competition, Economics, Competition, Trust (Psychology), Moral and ethical aspects of Economics, Sociological aspects of Economics, Virtue, Sociological aspects, Economic aspects of Trust (Psychology), Trust, Economic aspects, Economic history, Long Now Manual for Civilization, Économie politique, Aspect moral, Confiance, Vertus, Histoire économique, Pays occidentaux, Valeurs sociales, Relations économiques, Pluralisme culturel, Moralité publique, Culte, Analyse comparative, Gesellschaft, Internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Internationaler Vergleich, Kultur, Sozialer Konsens, Sozialordnung, Vertrauen, Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsordnung, Vertrouwen, Welvaart, Sociale waarden, Economics, moral and ethical aspects, Economic history, 1945-, Virtue and virtuesTimes
1945-Edition | Availability |
1 |
Trust: The Social Virtues & the Creation of Prosperity
June 2000, Diane Pub Co
in English
0788192353 9780788192357
Trust: The Social Virtues and The Creation of Prosperity
June 18, 1996, Free Press
in English
- 1st Free Press Pbk. Ed edition
0684825252 9780684825250
Trust: the social virtues and the creation of prosperity
1996, Penguin
in English
0140178015 9780140178012
Trust: the social virtues and the creation of prosperity
1995, H. Hamilton
in English
0241133769 9780241133767
Trust: the social virtues and the creation of prosperity
1995, Free Press
in English
0029109760 9780029109762
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- Created April 30, 2008
- 6 revisions
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April 30, 2011 | Edited by OCLC Bot | Added OCLC numbers. |
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April 16, 2010 | Edited by bgimpertBot | Added goodreads ID. |
April 30, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from record |