An edition of Lasar Segall (1943)

Lasar Segall

textos, depoimentos e exposições

2a. ed., rev. and aplified.
Lasar Segall
Lasar Segall, Lasar Segall

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November 20, 2020 | History
An edition of Lasar Segall (1943)

Lasar Segall

textos, depoimentos e exposições

2a. ed., rev. and aplified.

"A compilation of texts by Lasar Segall, including some works never before published, a catalog essays, articles published in the daily press, interviews with the Brazilian press, and a statement from the artist to the Associated American Artist Galleries in New York, 1948. Also includes a short biography, a list of his major shows, and a basic bibliography. A welcome research source"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

Publish Date

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Lasar Segall: un expresionista brasileño.
2002, Museu Lasar Segall
in Spanish
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Lasar Segall: maternidades
2000, Museu Lasar Segall
in Portuguese
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Lasar Segall: Proyecto Cultural Artistas del Mercosur
1999, Banco Velox
in Spanish
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Lasar Segall: textos, depoimentos e exposições
1993, Associação Cultural de Amigos do Museu Lasar Segall
in Portuguese - 2a. ed., rev. and aplified.
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Cover of: Lasar Segall.
Lasar Segall.
1985, Art Editora, Círculo do Livro
in Portuguese
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Lasar Segall: textos, depoimentos, exposições.
1985, Museu Lasar Segall, Biblioteca Jenny K. Segall, Fundação Nacional Pró-Memória
in Portuguese
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Lasar Segall
1965, Editorial Codex
in Spanish
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Lasar Segall: février-mars 1959.
1959, Musée national d'art moderne
in French
Cover of: Lasar Segall
Lasar Segall
1943, Ministério da Educação
in English

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Book Details

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-124).

Published in
[São Paulo, Brazil]


Library of Congress
N6659.S4 A35 1993

The Physical Object

ix, 125 p. :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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