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Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species. Though the gifts of wildish nature come to us at birth, society's attempt to "civilize" us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become over-domesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D., Jungian analyst and cantadora storyteller, shows how woman's vitality can be restored through what she calls "psychic archeological digs" into the ruins of the female unconscious. In Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Estes uses multicultural myths, fairy tales, folk tales, and stories chosen from over twenty years of research that help women reconnect with the healthy, instinctual, visionary attributes of the Wild Woman archetype. Dr. Estes collects the bones of many stories, looking for the archetypal motifs that set a woman's inner life into motion. In Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Estes has created a lexicon for describing the female psyche. Fertile and life-giving, it s a psychology of women in the truest sense, a knowing of the soul.
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Previews available in: Estonian English Spanish French German
Archetype (Psychology), Fairy tales, Folklore, Psychology, Self-actualization (Psychology), Wild women, Women, Femmes sauvages, Archétype (Psychologie), Wildwomen, Psychologie, Femmes, Archetype, goddess spirituality, feminine spirituality, feminism, Women, folklore, Women, psychology, Psicología, Mujeres, Arquetipo (Psicología), Mujeres salvajes, Wild women -- Folklore, Women -- Folklore, Women -- Psychology, Mujeres salvajes -- Folklore, Mujeres -- Folklore, Mujeres -- Psicología, Psicologia, Instinkt, Frau, Archetypus, Weiblichkeit, Wilde Frau, Analytische Psychologie, Contes, Mythologie, Psychologie analytique, Wild women--folklore, Women--psychology, Women--folklore, Gr470 .e88 1992, 398/.082Showing 11 featured editions. View all 42 editions?
Edition | Availability |
Naised, kes jooksevad huntidega: müüte ja pajtusi ürgnaise arhetüübist
2010, Varrak
in Estonian
9985321510 9789985321515
Women Who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman
2008, Penguin Random House
in English
1846041090 9781846041099
Бегущая с волками: Женский архетип в мифах и сказаниях
2005, Sofia (София)
in Russian
5955006338 9785955006338
Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
February 4, 2003, Ballantine Books
in English
- First Edition edition
0345377443 9780345377449
Mujeres Que Corren Con Los Lobos
February 2002, Ediciones B
in Spanish
8440697457 9788440697455
Femmes qui courent avec les loups
October 17, 2001, LGF
Mass Market Paperback
in French
2253147850 9782253147855
Mujeres que corren con los lobos: mitos y cuentos de la mujer salvaje
2000, Vintage Español
in Spanish
- 1. ed. de Vintage Español.
0375707530 9780375707537
Die Wolfsfrau: die Kraft der weiblichen Urinstinkte
1997, Heyne
in German
- 1., überarb. und erw. Aufl., (24. Aufl. gesamt).
3453129342 9783453129344
Women who run with the wolves: myths and stories of the wild woman archetype
1997, Ballantine Books
in English
- 1st mass market pbk. ed.
0345409876 9780345409874
Women who run with the wolves: myths and stories of the wild woman archetype
1995, Ballantine Books
in English
- 1st Ballantine Books trade pbk. ed.
0345396812 9780345396815
Women who run with the wolves: myths and stories of the wild woman archetype
1992, Ballantine Books
in English
- 1st ed.
0345377443 9780345377449
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- Created April 30, 2008
- 6 revisions
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November 28, 2021 | Edited by dcapillae | merge authors |
November 28, 2021 | Edited by dcapillae | Merge works |
November 28, 2021 | Edited by Mignon Belongie | Edited without comment. |
April 16, 2010 | Edited by bgimpertBot | Added goodreads ID. |
April 30, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from record |