An edition of Epistolae familiares (1481)

Epistolae familiares.

Epistolae familiares.
Pius II Pope, Pius II Pope

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July 29, 2012 | History
An edition of Epistolae familiares (1481)

Epistolae familiares.

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Publish Date
Anton Koberger

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Cover of: Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secu[n]di po[n]tificis maximi: ad diuersos in quadruplici vite eius statu tra[n]smisse: nouiter impresse feliciter incipiunt.
Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secu[n]di po[n]tificis maximi: ad diuersos in quadruplici vite eius statu tra[n]smisse: nouiter impresse feliciter incipiunt.
1505, vendunantur Lugduni ab Stephano Gueynard, eiusdem ciuitatis bibliopola et ciue in vico mercuriali: vulgariter en la rue merchiere, prope sanctum Anthonium
in Latin
Cover of: Epistole Enee Siluij.
Epistole Enee Siluij.
1496, Impensis Anthonii Koberger Nuremberge impresse. finiunt
in Latin
Cover of: Epistole Enee Siluij.
Epistole Enee Siluij.
1496, Anton Koberger
Microform in Latin
Cover of: Epistole Enee Siluij.
Epistole Enee Siluij.
1496, Anton Koberger
in Latin
Cover of: Epistolae familiares.
Epistolae familiares.
1496, Anton Koberger
Microform in Latin
Cover of: Familiares epistole ad diuersos.
Familiares epistole ad diuersos.
1486, Impensis Anthonij Koberger Nuremberge impresse. finiu[n]t.
in Latin
Cover of: Epistolae familiares.
Epistolae familiares.
1486, Anton Koberger
Microform in Latin
Cover of: Familiares ep[isto]le ad diuersos.
Familiares ep[isto]le ad diuersos.
1481, Impensis Antonij Koburger Nure[m]berge imp[re]sse. finiu[n]t
in Latin
Cover of: Pii ii pōtificis maximi cui ante sūmū ep̄atu p̄mū... Aeneas Silvinome erat familiares ep[istola]e.

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Book Details

Edition Notes

University of Uppsala copy

Collijn 16

Microfilm. Cambridge, Mass., General Microfilm Co., [19--] 1 microfilm reel. 35 mm. (German books before 1601, roll 333, item 3)

Published in
German books before 1601 -- roll 333, item 3

The Physical Object

612 p.
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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July 29, 2012 Edited by VacuumBot Updated format '[Microform]' to 'Microform'
December 9, 2009 Edited by WorkBot link works
September 19, 2008 Created by ImportBot Imported from Miami University of Ohio MARC record