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Previews available in: English
Youth, Forecasting, Education, Attitudes, Study and teachingEdition | Availability |
Youth futures: comparative research and transformative visions
2002, Praeger
in English
0275974146 9780275974145
Youth Futures: Comparative Research and Transformative Visions
August 30, 2002, Praeger Publishers
in English
0275974146 9780275974145
Book Details
Table of Contents
Global youth culture : a transdisciplinary perspective / Jennifer Gidley
Youth dissent : multiple perspectives on youth futures / Sohail Inayatullah
Future visions, social realities, and private lives : young people and their personal well-being / Richard Eckersley
Partnership education for the twenty-first century / Riane Eisler
Cultural mapping and our children's futures : decolonizing ways of learning and research / Francis Hutchinson
From youth futures for all : reclaiming the human story / Marcus Bussey
Youth essay 1 : optimistic visions from Australia / Raina Hunter
Japanese youth : rewriting futures in the "no taboos" postbubble millennium / David Wright
Reflections upon the late-modern transition as seen in the images of the future held by young Finns / Anita Rubin
Imagining the future : youth in Singapore / Alfred L. Oehlers
The future orientation of Hungarian youth in the years of the transformation / Eva Hideg and Erzebet Novaky
Citizens of the new century : perspectives from the United Kingdom / Cathie Holden
Longing for belonging : youth culture in Norway / Paul Otto Brunstad
Holistic education and visions of rehumanized futures / Jennifer Gidley
Youth essay 2 : voice of the future from Pakistan / Bilal Aslam
From rhetoric to reality : the emergence of futures into the educational mainstream / Richard Slaughter
Re-imagining your neighborhood : a model of futures education / Carmen Stewart
Learning with an active voice : children and youth creating preferred futures / Cole Jackson, Sandra Burchsted, and Seth Itzkan
I don't care about the future (if I can't influence it) / Sabina Head
Rural visions of the future : futures in a social science class / Shane Hart
Youth, scenarios, and metaphors of the future / Sohail Inayatullah
youth essay 3 : shared futures from the Philippines / Michael Guanco
Concluding reflections / Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Gidley.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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- Created September 20, 2008
- 10 revisions
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