Logic, signs, and nature in the Renaissance

the case of learned medicine

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November 14, 2023 | History

Logic, signs, and nature in the Renaissance

the case of learned medicine

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Machine generated contents note: Introduction I
I Learned medicine I500-I630 14
I.I Introduction 14
1.2 Universities in the broader medical context 15
1.3 Humanism 18
I.4 New developments 22
1.5 Medicine in the universities 29
1.6 The state of medicine in 1630 33
2 The transmission of medical knowledge 36
2.1 Introduction 36
2.2 Modes of diffusion 41
2.3 Book fairs, authors and publishers 46
2.4 Format and genre 55
2.5 Bibliographies and libraries 63
2.6 Conclusions 66
3 The discipline of medicine 68
3.I Introduction 68
3.2 Art and science 70
3.3 Medical sects 76
3.4 Medicine and other discourses: natural philosophy 80
3.5 Medicine and other discourses: law 84
3.6 Medicine and other discourses: theology 87
3.7 The professional doctor 92
3.8 Conclusion: the doctor as master and servant of his art 99
4 The arts course: grammar, logic and dialectics o10
4.1 Introduction fox
4.2 Linguistic issues 104
4.3 Demonstrative logic 114
4.4 Art and dialectics 128
5 The arts course: signs, induction, mathematics, experientia 148
5.1 Signs 148
5.2 Beyond logic: geometry, proportion, quantity 17
5.3 Authority, reason, experience 191
5.4 Pedagogical method and the method of discovery 200
5.5 Conclusions 203
6 Interpreting medical texts 206
6.I Authority and disauthorisation 206
6.2 Issues of text 213
6.3 Authorial issues 217
6.4 Issues of readers and reading 221
6.5 Conclusions 231
7 The content of medical thought 234
7.1 Introduction 234
7.2 Universal and particular nature 236
7.3 Nature as producer and product 247
7.4 Medicine's terms of art: naturals and non-naturals 251
7.5 Praeter naturam: diseases 259
7.6 Praeter naturam: monsters and mirabilia 269
7.7 Conclusions 273
8 The doctrine of signs 276
8.1 Semiology and medicine 276
8.2 Medical signs 281
8.3 The sign distributed 285
8.4 Pathognomonic signs: syndromes of signs 288
8.5 Signs as evidence: certainty and uncertainty290
8.6 Signs and time: anamnesis, diagnosis, prognosis 293
8.7 Indications 306
8.8 Conjectural arts or sciences 315
8.9 Conclusions: probability and the conjunction of signs 327
Postscript 333.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references (p. 343-396) and index.

Published in
Cambridge, New York
Ideas in context -- 62


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
R484 .M33 2002

The Physical Object

xvi, 407 p. :
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Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Library Thing

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November 14, 2023 Edited by MARC Bot import existing book
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October 7, 2008 Created by ImportBot Imported from Library of Congress MARC record